Deanar Ali Young, MT

Massage therapist treating a client.


 Deanar brings intimate knowledge of the bodily stresses and injuries that can result from a career in dance performance on stage to his therapeutic massage career. That experience—including his 5 year-long run as a professional dancer in Disney's The Lion King Cheetah National Tour—inspires his work today as a massage therapist.

 Treating patient injuries and working with patients to prevent career-shortening ailments is a prescient skill that can only be understood by someone who has worked as a performer. Understanding the demands of a rigorous, physically-demanding career path, working side-by-side with A-list talent in a relentless, unforgiving schedule, Young can appreciate the ambition that drives athletes and performers as well as career professionals. And the toll it can take on the human body.

 Overlay that experience with a desire to help patients live improved lifestyles, and you have a serious partner in your health maintenance in Deanar Young.


imageI am trained in a variety of modalities, and you can click on the "My Services" page to learn more about the various techniques I use in my work.  Also, if you'd like to request an appointment with me, I do provide mobile massage services and corporate Chair Massage.  click on "Contact Me",  I will call you back to confirm the details of your appointment, and also answer any questions you might have. 

 Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.


